Poultry Farm Software Download

Poultry Broiler ERP Software is specially designed to monitor and control poultry broiler integration business. It records FCR, mortality, bird weight, feed management and all farm details for better performance of broiler bird. Geez poultry farm! June 20, 2020 at 3:23 PM Public. Geez Poultry Farm. This is the last outing in Maiduguri. We have moved operations to Owerri, Imo state. PoultryCare ERP comes with all modules needed to successfully run your poultry farm. Each module will be integrated with each other and sharing data between them. This end-to-end integration gives the possibility to improve operation efficiency, reduces overall cost, and gives better decision making reports. Medicine and vaccination.

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The Salient Features of Online


Live Stock Poultry Accounting Software

For Demo Download of Poultry Management Software CLICK HERE

For Indian Customers Pay with the PAYUMONEY button mentioned below :-

Rs 27,799/-

The Poultry Accounting Software manages your Broiler business, checks your broilers and weight, the software counts the broilers automatically and upgrades it in to the Broiler Lorry Live stock Software.

The Poultry Breeding software works for the Full Lorry Purchases of Broilers and Chickens against the downloading of Lorry.Its gets added to the stock of Broilers and against that the retails / whole sales are made.The Poultry Farming software keeps the records of individual lorry.

One can track the Balance of Live Stock against the lorry while entering the sales entry.It asks the lorry number, while entering the sales and simultaneously it deducts from that lorry number.One can enter stock nugs and weight while downloading from the lorry.

The stock report shows the particular lorry its purchases and number of the retails sales against that lorry in terms of weight and nugs.

Live Lorry wise Poultry Farming Software Purchase Data Entry Screen

Poultry Farm Software Downloads

The Chicken Accounting software also shows the outstanding of both suppliers and buyers and it gives the weekly Billing.

    Weekly Bill Print out of Poultry Software

    The poultry farming accounting software has collections as well as payment register to keep the track of customers and suppliers.

    Sales is a part of purchase One Purchase Bill - 10 Sales Bill.The free Download of Chick, Nugs, Broilers accounting software is available by sending us an e mail for the trial demo.

    The Wight loss are of two kinds one is the dead of the chickens against the particular lorry and the other is the shrinkage of weight loss of chickens. The Software automatically shows the weight loss of the chickens of that particular lorry and in addition to that one has to pass the weight loss of the dead chickens too so as to coincide with the purchase of that lorry.

Poultry farm software download windows 10
Our Screen Shots of Poultry Farming Broilers Software:

Buyers Data Entry Screen.

Sellers Data Entry Screen

Purchase Data Entry Screen

Main Menu Screen with Data entry Highlighted.

Sales Multiple Data Entry Screen.

Sales Single Screen

Weight Loss Data Entry Screen

Goods Return Data Entry Screen


Multiple Collection Screen.

Poultry Farm Software Download

Payment to Farm Data Entry Screen

Weekly Collections Reports Screen.

Lorry Wise Report Screen.

Poultry farm software download windows 10

Poultry Farm Software Download

For Demo Download of poultry Software CLICK HERE

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Layer Management System

Layer management software/Poultry management software is a unique software exclusively for Layer farmers/integrators who can enter their daily activities of Farm production, Feed consumed and Mortalities. The software can be used as an analytical tool to predict the feed required per house, based on the average production can plan on the sale of eggs and raw material/feed purchases accordingly.

The Software is accessible though Mobile App/Desktop , hosted in Cloud that prevents data loss due to hardware failures.

Poultry Management Keeps Tracks of

  • Farm, Supervisor details
  • Daily Entry Report
  • Day wise Feed remaining
  • Day wise Feed & Mortality
  • Feed remainning
  • Feed Transfer
  • Flock Sale & Lifting Details
  • Lifting Flock Report
  • Medicine wise Report
  • Med/Vac Transfer Report
  • Mortality Summary
  • Farmer Realization Cost Report
  • Vaccination Schedule
  • Vaccination wise Report
  • Weekly Body Weight Report
  • Weight Comparison Report

Account Section

  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit & Loss
  • Trial Balance
  • Ledger & COA List
  • Journal Register
  • Purchases, Sales
  • Payment Voucher
  • Receipt Voucher
  • Journal Voucher

Poultry Farm Software Download Pc

Inventory Section